You would round it up at the third decimal place to 3.116.
The number 6.527314 to two decimal places is 6.53. To round a number to two decimal places, you look at the third decimal place. If it is 5 or greater, you round up the second decimal place. If it is less than 5, you leave the second decimal place as is. In this case, the third decimal place is 7, so we round up the second decimal place from 2 to 3.
Once you reach your final answer, for example lets say it is 9.5482, the third decimal place would be the '8'. From here, you must look one decimal past, so the fourth decimal, in this case it is the '2'. If the digit in that decimal place is 4 or less you round down and if that digit were 5 or more you round up. Because the fourth decimal is 4 or less the number 9.5482 is rounded down to 9.548.
You just continue to do the division, until you calculate the third digit after the decimal point. Then you round.
Ah, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of numbers. To express 0.00385 to 2 decimal places, we simply look at the third digit after the decimal point. Since it's 5, we round up the second decimal place, giving us 0.00.
Look at the third decimal place. If it is under 5 (as it is in this case), it rounds to .07. If the third decimal place was 5 or higher, it would round to .08.
You would round it up at the third decimal place to 3.116.
Look at the third decimal place. It is a 5, so it will round up the second decimal to give 0.69 as your answer.
The number 6.527314 to two decimal places is 6.53. To round a number to two decimal places, you look at the third decimal place. If it is 5 or greater, you round up the second decimal place. If it is less than 5, you leave the second decimal place as is. In this case, the third decimal place is 7, so we round up the second decimal place from 2 to 3.
The third decimal place is a 5, so it will round up what is left of it, giving:76.86
When rounding a number to the nearest hundredth, you look at the third decimal place. In this case, the third decimal place is 8, which is equal to or greater than 5. Therefore, you round up the hundredth place. So, 0.778 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 0.78.
Once you reach your final answer, for example lets say it is 9.5482, the third decimal place would be the '8'. From here, you must look one decimal past, so the fourth decimal, in this case it is the '2'. If the digit in that decimal place is 4 or less you round down and if that digit were 5 or more you round up. Because the fourth decimal is 4 or less the number 9.5482 is rounded down to 9.548.
You first look at the third decimal place. In this case it is 7. Then you look at the decimal place after that (the 4th one) and if it larger or equal to 5, then you round up. If it is 4 or smaller, then you leave it be. So in this one 55.06756 = 55.068 to 3 decimal places.
There is no need to round 1097 to any decimal places as there are no digits following a decimal point.
You just continue to do the division, until you calculate the third digit after the decimal point. Then you round.
As it is going to two decimal places, we look at the number in the third decimal place. It is a 7, so it causes the 5 to round up to a 6 giving the 6.06 as the final result.
To round 5.656854249 to 2 decimal places, we look at the third decimal place, which is 6. Since 6 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up the second decimal place. Therefore, 5.656854249 rounded to 2 decimal places is 5.66.