1100 to 3 significant figures is 1.10e3
2808 into 3 significant figures is 2810
0.004560 to two significant figures results in: 0.0046
0.000039 as you have to round it up. 3 and 8 are the significant figures but as you must round up, the answer becomes 0.000039.
72 is 72.2 rounded to two significant figures.
When multiplying numbers with significant figures, round the final answer to match the number with the least significant figures in the original numbers.
17.9867 to 3 significant figures is 18.0
1100 to 3 significant figures is 1.10e3
2808 into 3 significant figures is 2810
0.0000004799 into 3 significant figures is 4.80e-7
88930371.007 to 2 significant figures is 89000000
0.0034088 in three significant figures would be 0.00341
8468 rounded to 2 significant figures is 8500
0.004560 to two significant figures results in: 0.0046
0.036 The significant figures are indicated by the square brackets 0.0[35550], so we round this part of the figure.
0.000039 as you have to round it up. 3 and 8 are the significant figures but as you must round up, the answer becomes 0.000039.
The number 10.989 rounded to 3 significant figures is 11.0