Dial 0056 (the country code for Chile) then the rest of the number.
The phone number of the Mt. Zion Public Library is: 770-832-0056.
The phone number of the Center For Arts Evergreen Inc is: 303-674-0056.
The phone number of the Eastridge Branch Wilkinsburg Public Library is: 412-342-0056.
in 0056
50-400 USD or so
0.0056 x 0.75 = 0.0042
The address of the Opera House Arts is: , Stonington, ME 04681-0056
The address of the Elmore Library is: 302 E. Willis Street, Elmore, 56027 0056
The address of the Ida Branch Library is: 3016 Lewis Avenue, Ida, 48140 0056
The address of the Gordon House Conservancy is: Po Box 1207, Silverton, OR 97381-0056
The address of the Davies Memorial is: 111 Lower Waterford Rd., Lower Waterford, 05848 0056