Consider the part of the number that is less than 1000 - this is 733.
If 733 is nearer to 1000 - it is rounded up to the thousand above.
If 733 is nearer to 0 - it is rounded down to the thousand below.
In this case, 733 is nearer to 1000 so the number is rounded up.
62733 is rounded up to 63000.
To the nearest thousand would be 475,000
5,256,000 to the nearest thousands place is 5,256,000
The nearest thousands place to 11,928 is 12,000.
The nearest thousand to 43887 is 44000. When rounding to the nearest thousand, you look at the hundreds place. Since the hundreds digit is 8, which is greater than or equal to 5, you round up to the nearest thousand.
61679 rounded to the nearest thousand is 62000. When rounding a number to the nearest thousand, you look at the hundreds place. If it is 5 or greater, you round up; if it is less than 5, you round down. In this case, the hundreds place is 6, so we round up to the nearest thousand, which is 62000.
Nearest thousands place is 858,000 Nearest ten thousands place is 860,000
to the nearest thousand, zero. To the nearest thousandth, 8.285
4567 to the nearest thousand is 5000. When rounding to the nearest thousand, you look at the hundreds place. Since the hundreds digit in 4567 is 6, which is greater than or equal to 5, you round up to the nearest thousand. Therefore, 4567 rounded to the nearest thousand is 5000.
The answer is 3,000
It is 160,000 rounded to nearest ten thousand place
To the nearest thousand would be 475,000
4,476 to the nearest thousands place is 4,000.
718,687 to the nearest thousands place is 719,000
49,513 to the nearest thousands place is 50,000.
The nearest thousands place to 7,803 is 8,000.
4,906 to the nearest thousands place is 5,000