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Q: SHOULD the following represents eight times the difference of a number and seventeen is thirty?
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Personally i think that Seventeen Magazine is a greeaat magazine! It talks about fitness, beuty, hair, makeup, and self confidence. You should subscribe to Seventeen! Or :)

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The question should be what is the variable in the following expression? (n + 5) The answer: (n) represents the variable. See: Variable(English definition) then look up the Math/Algebra definition.

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It varies a little with your height and weight, but the following link will help you determine what you should be consuming based on height and weight and physical activity.

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.0017 You have an extra zero in there. It should be 0.017

What should seventeen years old read?

The twilight series is popular.

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at leats twelve not seven teen.......

If you are seventeen will your breast still grow?

if you seventeen, u should have already had your boob groth. if u havnt, idk wat the hell iz wrong with u................................

How old should you be before you start dating?

If they are being supervised, fourteen. If not, seventeen.