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There were many safe houses for the salves to hide on the Underground Railroad. Helpers would have special homes that the slaves would sleep in for a short time, even hours, and then they would go on to the next.

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Q: Safe hiding places on the Underground Railroad?
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What were Safe-houses that dotted the northern escape route for slaves along the Underground Railroad called?

Slave hoses were houses that housed nice people hiding the slaves. it is a chain of houses that make the underground railroad.

Facts about the underground railroad?

Secretly and usually at night. The network of moving slaves to freedom was known as "railroad". Code names were used such as "conductors, stations, depots, etc. Underground meaning secret. Thus, underground railroad.There were safe houses where runaway slaves would stay for a few days at a time. Sometimes there were hiding places under the floor. Sometimes there was a basement below the basement.

How were slaves aided by the underground railroad?

The Underground Railroad was not a railroad; it was a network of safe houses where slaves could stay until it was safe to move on farther north to the next "stop."

How did rhe underground railroad work?

The underground railroad helped take escaped slaves away to the North where it was safe.

In what way did the stations on the underground railroad help to liberate the slaves?

The stations on the Underground Railroad provided hiding places, food, clothing, and supplies for escaping slaves. They also helped to coordinate safe transportation routes and assisted in spreading information to guide slaves to freedom. Without the network of stations and supporters, many slaves would not have been able to successfully escape to freedom.

What network which helped runaway slaves ascape?

The Underground Railroad was a secret network of people who assisted enslaved individuals in escaping to freedom in the 19th century US. It consisted of safe houses, hiding places, and individuals who provided support along the journey to freedom.

Safe houses where key to the success of the?

Underground Railroad

What was the Underground Railroad-?

The Underground Railroad was used to help slaves in the U.S. escape to states that were free, or to Canada. The railroad was a system of safe houses and secret routes.

Conductor on the underground railroad?

The person who could be considered the conductor of the Underground Railroad would be Harriet Tubman. Tubman led about 70 slaves to freedom through a network of safe houses that was nicknamed, the "Underground Railroad."

How many slaves rode the underground railroad?

no slaves rode the underground railroad, as there was not actually a train underground taking them to safety. people would walk on a series of safe houses to the north

Were did the underground railroad lead to?

The railroad was not really a railroad per-say it was a network of people, houses and places that the slaves could go to in time of need for help and safety. If the slaves found a lantern on the hitching post, meant that the place was a safe haven.

What were some of the religious groups that assisted in the organization of the Underground Railroad?

Quakers, Congregationalists, and Methodists were some of the religious groups that played a significant role in organizing and supporting the Underground Railroad. They believed in the abolition of slavery and helped provide resources, safe houses, and guidance to escaped slaves on their journey to freedom.