i am following the company rules and regulations, some times we are directly going to field , because of appointments,
this letter is written to you
The time taken between your posting this question and receiving a reply.
The word reply is a noun as well as a verb. Example uses:Noun: I haven't received a reply to my request for a transcript.Verb: You can reply to the invitation that we will be happy to attend the cookout.
reply remark counter talk back
A question
Sample of the reply of show cause letter?
this letter is written to you
try our resignationletter.co.in for a detailed info.
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unauthorized absent
To reply to an explanation letter, simply reply to the issues and concerns raised in the letter.
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definition of reply to inquiry letter
what is the meaning and example of letter of inquiry and reply
The group of people who have nothing better to do than reply to your study.
The silent letter in "reply" is the 'p'. It is not pronounced when saying the word.
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