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18/10 = 1.8 apples per minute.

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Q: Sarah has 18 Apple in 10 minutes how many apples have you take in one minute?
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chis fills (1/30) of the pool every minute.Sarah fills (1/45) of the pool every minute.Billy fills (1/90) of the pool every minute.Working together, they fill [ (1/30) + (1/45) + (1/90) ] every minute.(1/30) + (1/45) + (1/90) = (3/90) + (2/90) + (1/90) = (6/90) = 1/15Together, they fill (1/15th) every minute, so it takes 15 minutes to fill it completely.

Are apples grown in the New England states?

The best apples you'll ever taste are grown on New England's rocky soils. Their unique blend of sweet and tart flavors are a product of the region's long, hot summers and crisp fall days. New England apples have outstanding flavor, size, and freshness. About 40 varieties of apples are commonly grown in New England Of Course for all the Sarah Palin Fans out there, New England is not a State, but is a region of the US located in the northeastern part of the country.

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