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Q: Selecting is highlighting a block of text. true or false?
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Is highlighting text called selecting?


What is the difference between highlighting text and selecting text?

The two are similar, with subtle differences. When you select text you usually make a choice between pre-defined options, such as a list. When you highlight text, you use your mouse to drag and mark the text; highlighting may or may not do anything other that to identify the text you marked.

When you highlight a text on a computer what is that called?

Highlighting. :3 Sometimes, it's also called selecting.

What is the purpose of highlighting text?


What are the different methods of selecting highlighting texts?

Some different methods of selecting and highlighting text include clicking and dragging with a mouse, double-clicking to select a word, triple-clicking to select a paragraph, or using keyboard shortcuts such as Shift + arrow keys to expand the selection. Additionally, some programs may have tools for selecting text based on formatting or content criteria.

What is the difference between shading and highlighting?

shading can be used as style while highlighting can not be used as a style. By using highlighting option, u can highlight selected portion of text with the desired color, where as by using shading u can highlight, texture a block of text.

When highlighting and underlining reading material more is usually better. truth or false?

False. Excessive highlighting and underlining can actually hinder comprehension and retention of information. It's best to use these tools selectively and purposefully to emphasize key points and make connections in the text.

How does highlighting and thinking with symbols similar?

Both highlighting and thinking with symbols involve identifying key information. Highlighting requires selecting important text visually, while thinking with symbols involves representing concepts or ideas using abstract symbols. Both techniques aid in organizing and understanding information more effectively.

Which of this is important to do before you begin highlighting a text?

It is important to read and understand the text before highlighting it. This will help you identify key points, main ideas, and important information to focus on while highlighting. It is also helpful to have a purpose or goal for highlighting the text in mind before you start.

Why should you avoid highlighting a text too much or too little?

Highlighting nearly the entire page

How can you text a block?

to text a block number you of to have a computer

How delete text in cell?

You can delete text in an Excel cell by pressing Backspace or highlighting the text and pressing Delete.