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Q: Settings on this applet include the Repeat delay Repeat rate and Cursor blink rate?
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What do you mean by applet?

An applet is a piece of code that can be used for graphical user interaction. An applet generally uses java api's for applets. It could be a window/ a dialog box and some such gui. Visit for examples on applets

What is common of tangent?

Common Tangents Some common tangents of two circles can be drawn.You can find that the number of them varies by the condition of the distance and radii of two circles.Using the applet of Common Tangents, try to explore this relation to the common tangents. Using the applet of Common Tangents In this applet you can explore the number of common tangents, dragging to change the radii or to move the circles.The button of@"Init"@is for replacing the figure in the initial state.If you click the button of@"Auto",@the circles are moving automatically, and then you can enjoy their performance.

How do we calculate probability from bivariate normal distributions?

A calculator for the Bivariate Normal At the bottom of the page at the link, under "A calculator for cumulative probabilities from the bivariate normal distribution" there's a little binary applet, which can be downloaded, and which calculates the percentage chances of being in various parts of the volume of the distribution.

Explain how you could create a distribution of means by taking a large number of samples of four individuals each?

As the sample size increases, and the number of samples taken increases, the distribution of the means will tend to a normal distribution. This is the Central Limit Theorem (CLT). Try out the applet and you will have a better understanding of the CLT.

Donor center conducted a study over 1 year period and found that an average of 55 donors per day checked in to the center What is the probability that on any given day morethan 75 donor will check?

This describes a Poisson Probability Distribution; the mean mu is 55. The requested probability is for greater than 75. The related link has a Poisson applet which was used to obtain the probability; p(>75) = 0.00419.

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The tab of the User Accounts applet grants you access to password and password management advanced user management and secure logon settings?


Under what tab of the User Accounts applet grants you access to password and passport management advanced user management and secure logon settings?


Why cant you log in to facebook?

There might be a problem with your Java Applet. Or, your account may have been locked due to a ban or mute. If the log in screan won't open period, then there is a problem with your Broswer settings or with your Java Applet. I recommend downloading the latest Java.

What is the DOS command applet?

There is nothing called DOS applet.. You can run Java applet from DOS..

When an applet become an applet?

Any Java class that extends java.applet.Applet is an applet.

How do you change your audio channel from 8 to 6?

Generally audio and speaker configuration is achieved through the Windows control panel applet, either the vanilla Windows applet or by an applet installed with the audio hardware. The game itself may also have configuration settings within the game options. Knowing which game, your particular audio hardware, and Windows version may elicit a better response.

Why main function is not used in applet programs?

Because an applet runs in a browser, and in this context the one in charge of the launch and execution of the applet is the Java Plug-in software in the browser. This plugin controls the applet life cycle through methods in our applet. These methods are init, start, stop and destroy. In this case the methods that the plugin search to begin the execution of the applet are init (to initialize itself) and start (to start the execution of the task in the applet).

Is there a way to connect an IRC applet to QuakeNet?

QuakeNet has its own webchat applet named 'qwebirc'. Preferably using their own applet. Information about their applet can be found on their website. A direct link to incorporating a client hosted on their server follows, Incorporating their applet on your own server is possible too, by installing their applet's source code on your server. A direct link to the source code for the applet can be found at

How do you run applet program?

By Embedding it into a HTML page, create a new file with the extension .html (like app.html) insert following code: No Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition v 1.4.2 support for APPLET!! Adjust the code for your applet file (can't help there i am not a java programmer) or just use : No Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition v 1.4.2 support for APPLET!! but i recommend the first because the applet tag is deprecated and not supported in XHTML

How do you open a DOS command applet in Windows?

There is nothing called DOS applet..

What is the file extension of an applet?

An applet is a Java application, this saves files in a .class extension

Describe java applet?

applets are small programs that can be run on a browser's window or an applet viewer.