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Q: Shock can lead to a persons death even though his injuries would not be fatal. true or false.?
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How does the Coast Guard use social marketing?

The Coast Guard applies social marketing with its various boating/water safety programs that are designed to reduce death and injuries.

Is Mexico's death rate higher than US?

Mexico has a lower overall death rate than the US. Mexico's death rate is 4.9 persons per 1,000 while the US rate is 8.39 persons per 1,000. Keeping in mind that life expectancy is a better measure of the conditions of life than is the death rate. The death rate can be deceptive because it is influenced by the age structure of the population. Since Mexico has a much younger population than the US its rate would be much lower for the same life expectancy. In fact the US (about 78) has a higher life expectancy than Mexico (about 76).

Can you get cut in half?

Yeah, but that doesn't mean that you wont die. Of course you can be cut in half. but you probably wont live. It depends where u are cut. It can damage different vital eternal organs which can lead to serious damage, causing many major injuries or even death.

Who according to the old testament was the husband of jezebel who worshipped baal?

His name was Ahab and you can read their story up though their death beginning at 1 Kings 16

Is the TV show 1000 Ways to Die true?

Mostly NO. They are done for entertainment, not educational purposes.Practically all scenarios are exaggerated, sensationalized versions of *possible deaths* based on either true reports of *injuries* or on widely-circulated urban legends. Some are entirely fictitious, and some deaths shown could not reasonably occur in the manner shown.Only ONE (the death of Harry Houdini) is a reasonably accurate portrayal of his accidental death.

Related questions

Is septic shock accidental death?

Septic shock is not accidental death. Septic shock is a severe infection in the blood stream that causes illness and death.

Is it murder if the victim dies from their injuries several years later?

If the cause of death is directly attributable to the injuries received in the original assault, yes. Probably manslaughter rather than homicide though.

How many people have died from shock?

Shock itself is not usually a direct cause of death, but rather a state where the body's organs are not receiving enough blood flow or oxygen. It is often a complication of other medical conditions or injuries. The number of deaths specifically attributed to shock can vary depending on the underlying cause and individual circumstances.

What are late sign of shock?

Unconsciousness is the last sign of shock. Followed by death.

Can eels shock you?

yes eels can shock u which can lead to death

What happens in a construction accidents?

Injuries and death.

Can you be held liable for injuries or death sustained by uninvited persons using your child's skateboard ramp on your property?

Actually, yes. It is your property and if they get hurt you could get sued... ...That is unless you have a signed liability/injury waiver from their parents.

What are the injuries to victims of cholera?

Umm not really injuries, but symptoms are mild-severe diarrhea, vomitting and leg cramps due to the salt imbalance of the body. Also severe dehydration is the side effect of the diarrhea. All these can cause shock and death with in a few hours, due to the rapid loss of fluids in the body Hope that helps.

What means the length of a persons life?

the amount of time between a persons birth and a persons death

How long can a person survive when bitten by a dog?

Depends on the injuries. Not all dog bites are fatal, of course, but an attack that does serious injury to major blood vessels could cause death within minutes from blood loss and shock.

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