You should be familiar with long division involving decimals
Divide the numerator by the denominator
Divide 7 by 8, using a calculator or a pencil, to get 0.875 .
If I understand this right, you want to know how to convert a fraction into a decimal with the aid of a calculator. This is usually done by pressing the fraction button on your calculator which changes it from a fraction to a decimal and vice versa.
The answer depends on the size of the font that you are using.
You should be familiar with long division involving decimals
By using a calculator:)
The only way, without a calculator, that I know of is long division.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator - on a calculator, or using long division.
Divide the numerator by the denominator
Divide 7 by 8, using a calculator or a pencil, to get 0.875 .
If I understand this right, you want to know how to convert a fraction into a decimal with the aid of a calculator. This is usually done by pressing the fraction button on your calculator which changes it from a fraction to a decimal and vice versa.
When adding decimal numbers it is important that the decimal points be aligned. If it makes it easier, add extra zeros at the end of a number *AFTER* a decimal point so that the two numbers are the same length. Then add, with the decimal point in the answer directly below the other two decimal points. 74.835 _2.670 + ------------ 77.505 ======
The answer depends on the size of the font that you are using.
i think using a calculator answer is 0.04166666666666666666667 which can be rounded to 0.0416 or 0.042
Using the smart points calculator, coconut oil has 13 points per tablespoon. Here is the calculator so you can use it to calculate anything else. Plug in the calories, the saturated fat, the sugar and the protein to get your answer.
22.13 You can figure this out by using mental math if you are a math wizard or you could do it on paper by lining up the decimal points and addind like you would normally. A calculator is also a good option.