Discuss with your tutor(s). They will know whether you will able to do it or not. Also, you will may to consider what courses you will need for whatever you wish to do after your senior year.
Discuss with your tutor(s). They will know whether you will able to do it or not. Also, you will may to consider what courses you will need for whatever you wish to do after your senior year.
An entire school year. They took AP Calculus in their senior year.
It depends when you take the course. Some people take it their senior year in school or are not ready to take it until college. I took it my junior year in high school.
AnswerAt my school you can take what math you want as long as you meet the criteria for that class. EX) In order to take Chemistry you had to have passed Algebra 2 and Biology. Talk to your guidance counselor about what classes you want to take and see if you meet the criteria for that class. It was a good idea not to take Calculus, I'm in it now and it's a nightmare for me. However, you might like it. You should talk to your counselor, your current math teacher, and students who have taken both of the classes you are considering. Then you can make an informed decision.If it's being offered as an AP class at your school, it's probably worthwhile. Even if it's not, taking it in high school will make taking it in collegeeasier.
Calculus is commonly taken as a first year course in college, but can be taken as an advanced course late in high school through programs like AP Calculus.
Discuss with your tutor(s). They will know whether you will able to do it or not. Also, you will may to consider what courses you will need for whatever you wish to do after your senior year.
Discuss with your tutor(s). They will know whether you will able to do it or not. Also, you will may to consider what courses you will need for whatever you wish to do after your senior year.
An entire school year. They took AP Calculus in their senior year.
Senior Year is the most common year to take the ACT test
It depends when you take the course. Some people take it their senior year in school or are not ready to take it until college. I took it my junior year in high school.
You should take pre-AP physics junior year, and AP bio senior year.
AnswerAt my school you can take what math you want as long as you meet the criteria for that class. EX) In order to take Chemistry you had to have passed Algebra 2 and Biology. Talk to your guidance counselor about what classes you want to take and see if you meet the criteria for that class. It was a good idea not to take Calculus, I'm in it now and it's a nightmare for me. However, you might like it. You should talk to your counselor, your current math teacher, and students who have taken both of the classes you are considering. Then you can make an informed decision.If it's being offered as an AP class at your school, it's probably worthwhile. Even if it's not, taking it in high school will make taking it in collegeeasier.
It depends on your learning pace, your favorite subjects, and your career plan. Some people never do calculus. Others do it in Senior year in high school and others do it in college. It all depends.
Many take it senior year of high school and if it is not taken then, then sometime in college.Answer 2:Senior Year in High School at my school. But we have to either take Algebra 1 in 8th grade or take Algebra 2 & Geometry in the same year. That's the normal schedule. Although it is possible to do it Junior year by either doing both ways above, or doing one of them and doing a summer course in College during the High school summer. Earliest: Junior Year of High SchoolAverage: Senior in High SchoolLatest: You don't take it (Algebra 1 + Algebra 2 + Geometry + Pre-Cal = 4 credits in Mathematics)At my school, it is only possible to get the AP Calculus in Junior year, but some schools will let you take APCourses in Sophomore year. If you just want to take Calculus (Non-AP), it is possible, but you had to have planned ahead (Since 7th grade in most cases).Answer 3:Most people take it their senior year of high school, if at all. However, it can be taken junior year. A few people will take it their sophomore year. However, it can technically be taken at any time, one way or another. I know one person taking it who's not even in high school yet. If you're school won't let you take it yet, it can usually be found online.
Yes go ahead and do it I didnt do it in the same year and now I cant take Hon-phsycis until im a senior by all means do it.
Calculus is commonly taken as a first year course in college, but can be taken as an advanced course late in high school through programs like AP Calculus.
well, as an algebra 2 freshman last year, i remeber taking honors bio and slgebra 2. Senior year could be a 2nd calculus course, like Calc BC or mulltivariable calc, depending on the district, and perhaps AP bio, chem, or physics for sciences.