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If the pad only has the plastic covering on one side it should be installed plastic side up. Depending on the type of plastic it could serve one or more purposes. The most basic of purposes would be to allow the carpet to be slid on the surface of the pad during the installation and to prevent damage during installation. The most advanced pads have a thicker plastic coating that acts as a boundary layer to prevent the pad from absorbing liquids that may be spilled on the carpet. This boundary layer allows for easier cleanup and helps prevent stains from reappearing after they have been removed.

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Q: Should a upgraded carpet padding with a sheer plastic cover on one side have the plastic up or facing down toward the floor?
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What should you put down on cement before laying carpet?

Moisture and mold resistant carpet padding.

How do you clean moldy carpet?

Moldy carpet should not be cleaned, it should be replaced. Consider that by the time the carpet has molded, the padding and underlayment have already been damaged and need to be replaced or repaired.

How should a carpet last before needing replacement?

High quality carpet, with excellent care, should last 20 years. Everyone senses that the higher the quality of the carpet, the longer it will last, but many people do not realize that half of the life of a good carpet is in the quality of the padding. Extra money for the best padding is money very well spent for the life of a carpet.

Carpet Padding?

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Remove a musty smell in the basement from carpet?

That musty smell could be coming from mold in the carpet and or it's padding, as basements tend to be damp. You could have the carpet cleaned professionally or clean it yourself with a good carpet cleaner. If this is unsuccessful it may be necessary to replace the carpet padding or both the carpet and it's padding.

When replacing carpeting should the padding be replaced as well?

Yes, if the padding is worn out or about to be worn out. Other wise if the padding is still in good shape then just leave it and add the new carpet over it.

Why Require to Use Padding for Carpet?

The major reason for using carpet padding is to increase the life of the carpet by cushioning it from the impact of ill-treatment and deterioration. However, carpet pad or cushion could serve another purpose as well. It can make the carpet more comfy and give it a comfortable look. Carpet padding can also absorb sound and make the inner of your home warm. There are numerous carpet padding types to prefer from, but what is important is to choose the right type of carpet pads.

How much does carpet padding weigh?

A flat rubber carpet padding may weigh 22 pounds per cubic foot and a prime urethane carpet cushion may weigh only 4 pounds, but the ultimate performance factor is how many pounds per footfall area will it take for the carpet cushion to bottom out.

What is carpet padding for?

When used with area and Oriental rugs, carpet padding is used to provide an extra cushion beneath your feet, to prevent the rug from sliding all over the floor, and to promote even wear on the rug's pile. For flatweave and antique rugs, carpet padding is a must!

Where can one go to compare prices for carpet padding?

The easiest way to compare pricing on carpet padding would be to visit a local flooring store. Other stores such as Home Depot and Lowe's can also give estimates and comparisons for carpet padding as well as any other flooring needs.

Can I replace carpet pads myself?

You can replace carpet pads yourself. If you have no experience in this area it would be advisable to read up on it before attempting. This website offers helpful advice

What side of the carpet padding goes up?

Some carpet paddings have a webbing or moisture barrier coating on one side. If you're installing over wood floors the moisture barrier goes up to prevent spills from soaking into the padding. If installing over cement below ground level the moisture barrier goes down, against the concrete - to prevent condensation and ground seepage from penetrating through the pad.