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twice as much

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Q: Should children be physically active less than more than twice as much or same amount as adults?
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Related questions

Should children be physically active more than adults?


Do children need more energy than adults?

Yes, children do need more energy than adults because they are in a phase of rapid growth and development. Their energy requirements are higher to support the growth of tissues, bones, and organs. Additionally, children tend to be more physically active, which also increases their energy needs.

What is target market for powerade sports drink?

active adults and children who play sport :)

How did children address adults in the levels of society?

Children should address adults with the proper amount of respect at their level of society. Children should address adults as ma'am and sir.

Children should be trained like adults?


Data from the National Health Interview Survey suggests that what percent of adults never engage in any exercise sports or physically active hobbies?

is it 60%

Parents should not tell their children what to do after they are 16?

No parents should stop telling there children waht to do after there 16 because the adults after 16. yes parents should stop telling there children waht to do after there 16 because the adults after 16.

Why might a dog like children better than adults?

Because children are generally more active and playful, and a more active dog would naturally be more drawn to them than a sedentary adult. While there might possibly be some dominance/submission issues with certain dogs and adults that could have a dog fearing adults, dogs are pretty forgiving, and an active dog could be expected to bond to an active, non-dominating adult as readily as to a child.

What will happens to teenagers having puberty?

During puberty, the body becomes sexually and physically mature. So the children mature into adults.

Can adults be physically more flexible than children?

Adults can be physically more flexible than children if they have always been flexible as a result of conditioning, or engaging in sports or exercises.If an adult has probloms with there back or any other part of there body. It will be very difficult. The more you work on your flexabilty as a child. The more you will be able to move better.

Should adults have summer breaks like children?


Why did the Nazis separate children from adults?

because adults could work, and adults would have enough sense to realise that they should do as they were told