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Yes, given the right conditions. Photons are affected by gravity.

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Q: Should it be possible for a photon to circle a star?
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A "photon" is a particle of light. Therefore, EVERY star that emits light - basically, all of them - is a "photon star". So, yes, our Sun is a photon star, and it still is. Energetic photons hitting the landscape and bouncing off let us see, and even more energetic photons that strike your skin can, in a high enough dose, give you a sunburn.

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Photon Torpedoes.

What does a star or a circle mean on a map?

A star is a capital and a circle is a city

When was Star Circle Quest created?

Star Circle Quest was created in 2004.

What is the duration of Star Circle Quest?

The duration of Star Circle Quest is -3600.0 seconds.

What is a photon torpedo?

A photon torpedo is a type of weapon commonly used in science fiction, particularly in the Star Trek series. It is a powerful energy projectile that harnesses antimatter explosions to create a devastating blast. In the Star Trek universe, photon torpedoes are typically used by starships as their primary long-range offensive weapon.

What does a star or a dot in a circle usually mean on the map?

Circle with a star in it will often be a State/Province capital.

What does a star in the middle of a circle mean?

what does the symbol mean it looks like a circle with a star in the middle mean

What is the star with the circle around it called?

It is called the "Pentacle". This symbol is heavenly. It is a star with the star pointed up, inside a circle. On the other hand there is the "Pentagram". This Symbol is Demonic. It is a star that has it's point facing down and is inside a circle.

What does a star or a dot mean in a circle?

On a map, a star or dot in a circle traditionally indicates the capital of a country or state.

What does a star or dot in a circle mean?

On a map, a star or dot in a circle traditionally indicates the capital of a country or state.