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Statistically, that makes absolutely no difference. What makes a difference is how your numbers are selected. If, for example, you choose birthdays of family members and friends, then you will not have numbers larger than 31. Since many people do that, if your combination does win then you are likely to have to share the winnings with more people. Similarly, if you choose patterns on the lottery ticket.

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Q: Should one play the same lottery numbers?
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If you use the same numbers for the lottery how long will take to win the lottery?

never, the numbers keep changing.

What are the numbers for the lottory in majoras mask?

The winning lottery numbers vary by file. To win the lottery, buy a lottery ticket, remember the lottery numbers, go back in time, and input those numbers at the lottery shop in West Clock Town between 6:00 PM and 11:00 PM. The winning lottery numbers are the same for each cycle.

Has the same six lottery numbers ever repeated in any of the state that has a lottery?


Will a win lottery numbers will come up again?

The probability of a certain set of numbers coming up in the lottery is equal to the probability of any other set of numbers coming up. Just because a certain set of numbers came up, that does not mean that the same set of numbers is more or less likely to come up again.

What are the most picked lottery numbers in Massachusetts?

the same number has never ben chosen twice do your question cant be answered.

Can a foreigner with legal stay play national lottery?

Most lotteries do not require that one be a resident in order to play their lottery. This allows them to attract border-crossers from states that may not have the same games (if any). Keep in mind, though, that should an out-of-state or itinerant person purchase a ticket that proves to be a winner, that person must follow the appropriate instructions to claim the prize. This usually involves either returning to the state where the ticket was purchased (either to a retailer to cash small prizes or a lottery office for bigger ones) or mailing the ticket (with appropriate claims information) back to the lottery.

What is the single most common winning lottery number used?

There are none. In any fair lottery (such as WI state lottery) after a couple months, each number should have been selected almost the same amount of times.

What is a sentence using the word fleetingly?

He fleetingly had a dream of being wealthy before realising that one of his numbers was not the same as the winning ones for the lottery.

What three numbers win often in the three digit lottery?

Such lotteries are supposed to be random - in the long term, no number will appear more often than others. Any statistics about what numbers won the last few times will NOT influence the probability of future numbers - the same numbers are neither more nor less likely to appear - and is therefore quite useless for winning at the lottery.

Can you win a lottery?

If you are of legal age and otherwise meet all criteria for legally playing the game, then winning the lottery is just a case of purchasing the winning numbers. You would have the same chance of winning per ticket as everybody else.

How many lottery tickets have to be sold for sell out?

For the UK lottery.As the same lottery numbers for the same draw can be chosen over and over again the theoretical maximum number of tickets to sell out is unlimited.If only machine generated numbers (lucky dips) with no duplicates are allowed then the maximum lines to be sold for a sellout will be 13,983,816. The bonus ball has no effect on this.

Are dates poor lottery choices?

It doesn't really matter which numbers you pick, they all have roughly the same chance of being drawn.So in answer to your question, no, not really.