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Q: Should pensioners have their hours cut before you as you are still only 55?
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It should.... I have done it before

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If he goes slowly to the point where she still feels pleasure but he feels like he could do the same thing for hours, then the guy should rub her clit till she explodes!

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She should they were good friends before.

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Yes you should still have your normal period.

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It can take up to 2 hours for it to stop bleeding.

I am 38weeks pregnant and my cervixs are still close. Does this mean i will have my baby late?

Not necessarily, my cervix was still closed 6 hours before I had my baby at 40 weeks.

On fallout 3 what happens if dogmeat dies before you get the puppies perk does it still work?

yes it should but you will probably have to wait 24 in-game hours to have the new dog appear. Just go to vault 101 and the puppy will be there

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no you should be fine i use to take mine every night before I'd go to bed. your body is still digesting while you sleep

What if you went out with him before but you still like him?

You should tell him cause he might like you to