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Q: Should school days be longer or shorter?
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Should schools have shorter school days?


Should the school days be shorten and why?

No, if anything they should be the same and we should have a shorter school year. This is because if we had shorter days, then they would have to lengthen the year or go through lessons sooooo fast.

Should you have longer school days?


Does India experience longer days or shorter days?

india experiances um...........................................longer days

Are the days longer or shorter after the vernal equinox?

After the vernal equinox, the days become longer as the Northern Hemisphere tilts towards the sun. This allows for more daylight hours and the start of spring.

What happens to the length of days and nights in winter?

In winter, nights are longer than days because the Earth's axis is tilted away from the sun, causing less daylight hours. This results in shorter days and longer nights during the winter season.

Should we have shorter days of school?

yes because kids need to bond with there moms and dads

Should children have longer school days?

No. Children spend most hours of their day at school, and afterwards have many hours of homework. If school days were to be longer, homework should be banished allowing children to be able to socialise

Why should schools have longer school days?

Beacuse we have to learn and its better beacuse you get to hang out with your friends for a long time.