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I don't think it matters, but since the word "algebra" is of Arabic origin, let's go with Arabic numerals for the sake of consistency.

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Q: Should the numbers referring to algebra 1 and 2 be Arabic numbers or roman numerals?
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What is the Arabic numbers for 1859?

The Arabic numbers for 1859 are 1859, the Roman numerals for 1859 are MDCCCLIX.

What is xlix in Arabic numbers?

XLIX in Arabic Numerals is 49 and in Arabic Numbers is ٤٩ .

What is the Arabic of numbers?

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Why are Arabic numerals called Arabic numerals when they actually came from India?

Arabic numerals are called that because the European interpretation of those numbers comes from the Arabs. The numerals are called Arabic numerals (even though they do not resemble modern Arabic numerals in the slightest) to distinguish them from Roman numerals.

When was Roman Numerals changed to numbers?

Bear in mind that Roman numerals actually are numbers, they are just not the kind of numbers that we presently use, which are called Arabic numerals. Arabic numerals were first used in Europe in the year 976 AD. Roman numerals still have not entirely fallen out of use, although for most purposes we use Arabic numerals.

What are facts that numbers and roman numerals are different?

A) Arabic numerals are in numbers whereas Roman numerals are in letters.B) Even if Roman numerals are in letters the symbols are easier to understand, despite the fact that Australians and Americans and most probably you write numbers using the system of Arabic numerals.C) The system of Roman numerals was invented before the system of Arabic numerals, but people use the system of Arabic numerals to write more frequently.

Why do people call numbers Hindu-Arabic numerals?

Because that was the region of the world where Hindu-Arabic numerals originated from.

Where do you find the Hindu Arabic numerals?

In most of the world, the numbers in daily normal use are based on Indo-Arabic numerals.

What does XLVIX mean in Arabic numbers?

It is an invalid arrangement of Roman numerals and so therefore it has no equivalent in Hindu-Arabic numerals.

What is the Arabic number for the roman numeral xii?

There is no system called "Arabic numbers". XII can be defined by a set of Arabic NUMERALS, but not by a single character.Improved Answer:-The Roman numerals of XII equals 12 in Hindu-Arabic numerals.

How do you write Arabic value of CDLXVII in English numbers?

First off, CDLXVII is not Arabic. It is Roman Numerals. Secondly, the so called "English numbers" are actually the Arabic ones. They are known as Hindu-Arabic Numerals. And finally, to answer your question, it would be 467. Source: Took college level Algebra where we learned the different counting methods (such as Egyptian, Mayan, Babylonian, Greek, Roman, Hindu-Arabic (English), and Chinese (which is similar to Japanese). Passed with a 94.