

Best Answer

No. You should never be ashamed of yourself on account of some natural set

of abilities or inabilities.

When you consciously decide to do something even though you know better,

and you really go ahead and do it, THEN you should be ashamed of yourself.

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Q: Should you be ashamed of yourself if you are a college guy who is good at math but not at writing 1000 to 2000 word essays or papers?
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You need not be ashamed, but why do you simply accept that you are not as good at writing papers? Can you not learn to do better at that as well?You need not be ashamed, but why do you simply accept that you are not as good at writing papers? Can you not learn to do better at that as well?You need not be ashamed, but why do you simply accept that you are not as good at writing papers? Can you not learn to do better at that as well?You need not be ashamed, but why do you simply accept that you are not as good at writing papers? Can you not learn to do better at that as well?

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No, everyone is different and if writing isn't your thing, then that's ok. But writing papers is a big part of college and getting a job, so if I were you I would work on my writing skills and try to get better. Once you start improving, you wont hate it so much.

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you should be ashamed of yourself

Should I be ashamed of yourself for being good at mathematics but not essay writing?

No, this just means you are more left-brained than right. The left part of your brain is more logical and better with math, where the right part of your brain is creative and very good with writing and art. There's nothing wrong with you, so don't be ashamed. Maybe study different writing styles.

Should you be ashamed of yourself for being good at math but not at 1000 word essays and will you fail science and engineering if you are good at math but bad at essays?

-- No. You should not be ashamed of yourself. -- No. If you fail science and engineering, that won't be the reason.

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first you need to ask yourself if your ashamed of your boyfriend or if your friends are and more importantly if you like this guy you shouldn't be ashamed of him. you should like him for who he is not what he looks like or what your friends say about him. and if your really that ashamed of him then you might consider whether you wanna date him or not.

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no you should be ashamed of yourself

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...No... I'm sorry, but I have to ask, do you feel ashamed with yourself for asking that? Because you should.

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that is a rediculous question. You should be ashamed of yourself for showing such ignorance.

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Do you not get taught Maths at school? You should be ashamed of yourself