Yes. Generally, if a course is taken for credit, the school will require a teacher to both instruct and evaluate students in the particular area. The intent of evaluation is to make the awarding of credit for the course meaningful. In doing the evaluation, there has to be a point system, below which no credit can be given. The means of evaluation are a different subject, very subjective and goes beyond the question asked.
A student may fail mathematics because he/she did not study, did not attend class, or did not understand the lesson material.
The question is so poorly specified that it is impossible to give a sensible answer. It does not specify where, or at what level.
Mathematics is believed to be the key for all other subjects but it is supperising that most students fail it and yet pass other subject.I believe there is no work that you can do without applying mathematics.Consider an individual walking from his home to work in the city, he has in mind how long it is from his home to the place of work and what time he takes to arrive at work and he therefore use mathematics to survive the challenge of travelling and arriving on time.The question now is why do students fail mathematics?I think students only fail the class room mathmatics but they have often applied mathematics in their daily lives to solve problems. The following are some of the reasone students fail mathematics:Negative attitude towards mathematics.Fear due to pressure from friends that mathematics is hard.Failure of the teachers to give proper and simple explanation of mathematical terms.Limited or even lack of learning materials by the students. consider the a student who is going in a lesson of bearing without a set and a culculator, this student can hardly get any thing and yet mathematics needs practice.Lack of enough practice by the students.
A student may fail mathematics because he/she did not study, did not attend class, or did not understand the lesson material.
It is use to fail the engineering students in final exam.... best use of it to make the student,s life hell....
There are different opinions about this, but one is that the no fail policy should NOT be continued in schools. Though some believe it should be discontinued because they believe it harms students' self esteem to fail, it is important for students to learn what they are being taught. If they cannot show that they have learned it, they should fail, not to be mean, but because the no fail policy could affect their lives negatively when they get out of school. Students need to learn that at least minimum standards need to be met.
students fail in science because science is hard(:
If u dint work u will FAIL
Students fail in school if they are not studying not for not eating right
The current fail rate for students in Calculus 3 is approximately 15.
Students fail middle school because they probably want to act cool like there friends.
all of them
you should have a comma after "plan" and "fail" should have an "s" at the end. Irony FAIL!
because they are ignorant.
Some do some don't.
I believe students who are failing a class should not have their license revoked because what if they are in AP classes or are just not good at that subject. My question is what do they have to do with each other? What if you pass your drivers test with no problem but your not good at biology or career passport? Should that mean you should be aloud to get your license?