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get one from cora frey

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Q: Should you get 1 or 2 leopard geckos?
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Can you keep leopard geckos with Madagascar day geckos?

This is some reasons a leopard geckos and Madagascar day geckos can't live together: #1: Madagascars have a different environment than leopard geckos. Madagascar day geckos live in tropical conditions and leopard geckos live in desert conditions. #2 they would be fighting because they are territorial.

What are two facts about leopard geckos?

1) they are reptiles. 2) they walk up walls

When do leopard geckos shed for the first time in their life cycle?

Leopard geckos typically shed for the first time in their life cycle when they are around 2-4 weeks old.

Do you have to clean leopard geckos tanks?

There are two different methods to do this: 1: a water/ vinager solution. 2: a paint scraper to rid of the lime.

Do leopard geckos eat once a week?

2-5 times a day actually

Can female leopard geckos get along?

If you are going to start keeping leopard geckos, you can only have one male but as many females as you like. If you are trying to breed them then have a few females to up your chances. If you put more then one male in they will fight.

How often do leopard geckos need to eat?

For some reason I though I have already answered this ... hmm. any way Leopard geckos can eat 2-5 crickets a day but some choose to eat once every few days but it depends on the size of the food it shouldn't be bigger than the width of the geckos mouth.

Could 2 adult leopard geckos live together in a 10 gallon tank I have a small second floor?

Please answer!!!

How old do leopard geckos have to be to eat pinkies?

it is recommended that you do not feed geckos pinkies but they should be able to handle ONE every 1-2 months once they are 8-10 inches not including tail.

If two male leopard geckos are put in the same cage will they fight?

yes even if they grow up together they will fight to the death

What size tank do you need for 2 leopard geckos in feet?

You need a 20 gallon (long). It is about 3ft long & 1ft deep.

You have 2 leopard geckos and a desert iguana is it safe to keep the 3 together in a 29 g long tank?

No! not under any circumstances is that ok. First of all, logically consider this: Leopard Geckos are mainly from Pakistani deserts, and the Desert Iguana is from the American Southwest. Leopard geckos may be carriers of Middle Eastern diseases that they have adapted an immunity to, while the iguana may be susceptible, and vice-versa. This is just one reason why two species of different localities should never be put together, not to mention aggression issues. Plus, if you're keeping your iguana remotely decently, it should have AT LEAST a 40 gallon tank, a high powered (125 watts or more) mercury vapor bulb that emits UVB (not just UVA) like a Powersun. Leopard Geckos may be harmed by this level of UVB and should therefore have a separate tank from each other unless they are two females of the same size.