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Q: Should your nipples be leaking at twenty one weeks?
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I am 30 weeks pregant when should i start leaking breast milk?

at about 38 weeks

Leaking colostrum after miscarriage?

Yes - my baby stopped growing at 13 weeks, but we didn't know until 16 weeks. The doctor induced using Cytotec in a hospital. Everything was expelled. Two days later, I noticed my nipples were moist. I was leaking colostrum. I was able to hand-express it.

Should your breasts be leaking at 4 weeks pregnant?

No indeed!! It shouldn't be leaking at anytime you are prego. Get checked out immediately!!!

What is Twenty six weeks on a year?

Twenty-six weeks is six months.

Should you feel the baby move or kick at twenty three weeks?

YES because quickening is felt at 18 to 20 weeks.

Is it normal to be 2 weeks pregnant and not have sore nipples?

The entire breast, including the nipples, can be sore at 6 weeks of pregnancy.

HOW WILL ANY one know if my cat is pregnant?

When she is 3 weeks pregnant, her nipples should "pink up" ie go from the normal off-shite colour, to quite a rosy pink colour. If she is over 3 weeks gone, then you will have to wait to see some weight gain & enlargement of her nipples, which may take a few more weeks to be noticeable.

Is it normal to have your nipples leak at 24 weeks pregnant?


How many seconds are in twenty-five weeks?

There is more than 100,00 seconds in twenty-five weeks!

When do guinea pigs develop nipples?

after being pregnant for a couple of weeks

When can you visibly see the darkening around the nipples and the appearance of the milk glands during pregnancy?

This usually happens around the last month of pregnancy. Sometimes it doesn't happen (leaking) until right up to the delivery date. But around the last 3-4 weeks is usually around the time you will start leaking and so forth. Actually I started seeing the veins and darkening of nipples around four months and started leaking colostrum "pre-milk" at 5 1/2 months so everyone is different hope this helps, Good Luck and God Bless!!!

How many weeks are in twenty eight days?

four weeks