There are many different ways one might write the numbers '608.' If one desires to write the numbers '608' in Roman numerals, one would write 'DCVIII.'
Divide the percentage number by 100. It is not possible to show the working because there are infinitely many fractions and they require slightly different working.
I suspect that something very important is missing from your question. It would go between the words "write" and "as", and it would be a number. The answer to the question would be a positive whole number greater than ' 1 '.
As many as you want. An unlimited number of ways.
you can write that answer a thousand million ways!
How many languages can you write......? The answer: a lot (depending on the above question)
There are three ways you can write the number 10. You can use X, as in Roman numerals, ten, or 10.
Only one, in terms of numbers: 20,000
If you use each number once, there are six combinations.
There are many different ways one might write the numbers '608.' If one desires to write the numbers '608' in Roman numerals, one would write 'DCVIII.'
As many as you want.
Divide the percentage number by 100. It is not possible to show the working because there are infinitely many fractions and they require slightly different working.
I suspect that something very important is missing from your question. It would go between the words "write" and "as", and it would be a number. The answer to the question would be a positive whole number greater than ' 1 '.
An infinite amount of ways. You could write it in every language in the world for starters. Numerically it can also be written in an infinite amount of sums and multiplications. e.g. you could write it as 0.1+13.9, then half the 0.1 and write 0.05+13.95, then half that and have 0.025+13.975 etc. So yeah, lots and lots of different ways you can write 14, in fact too many different ways to be able to count them all.