Divide 27 by 90. This will give you a decimal smaller than zero . Now multiply this number by 100. This is your percentage.
72 / 90 = 0.80.8 = 80 percentThere is no more work to show.
90 increased by 27% = 114.3
a little less than 9 The answer is 8.1
27 is what percent of 90:= 27 / 90= 0.3Converting decimal to a percentage:0.3 * 100 = 30%
30% 10% of 90 is 9. 27 is 3 times bigger than 9, so 27 is 30%
27 is 90% of 30.
27 out of 30 is 90%
ninety 90 x 0.3 = 27
no its a 90 percent
30% = 0.327/0.3 = 90