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The area of a trapezoid is given by the formula

area = h*(a+b)/2

where h is the height

a, b are the 2 parallel sides of the trapezium.

Now assuming numerical values, if h = 8 units, a = 16 units and b = 10 units. then Area is

8*(10+16)/2 = 104 Sq. units

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How do you calculate the area of a trapezoid?

To calculate the area of a trapezoid, you can use the formula: Area = 0.5 * (sum of bases) * height. Simply add the lengths of the two parallel sides (bases) of the trapezoid, multiply the sum by the height, and then divide by 2 to find the area.

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To calculate the area of a trapezoid, you have to know the lengths of three sides because 1/2*(sum of parallel sides)*perpendicular height = area

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Area = 1/2*(sum of parallel sides)*height

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There is none because a trapezoid is a 2D shape but if you meant the area it is:- Area in square units = 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*height

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Not enough information. To calculate this you must know the altitude or height.

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The general formula to calculate area of a trapezoid ( and an isosceles trapezoid) is:AREA=(Sum of parallel sides)(Distance between parallel sides)/2. And if you find this formula difficult, calculate separately the area of two right angled triangles and a rectangles. For more details, contact at

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It is not possible to answer the question since 2x3x5 does not define a trapezoid. Furthermore, even if you had the lengths of all four sides of a trapezoid that would not provide enough information to calculate its area.

Calculate volume for a trapezoid?

A trapezoid is a two-dimensional object. 2d objects do not have volume. To calculate the area, see below. With the parallel sides as base1 and base2, and the distance between them as the height: height*(base1+base2)/2