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If Y be Young's modulus, k be Bulk Modulus, n be Shear Modulus and s be Poisson's ratio, (poisson's ratio is ideally denoted by small sigma) then we have a few relations between them, two of which are:

  • Y= 3k(1-2s) .....(1)
  • Y= 2n(1+s) .....(2)
From equation (1) we see that since Y> or Y= 0,

3k(1-2s) >= 0

so, (1-2s) >= 0

so, 2s=<1

so, s=< 0.5

From equation (2) we see that

2n(1+s) >= 0

so, (1+s) >= 0

so, s>= -1

so the value of s lies in between -1 and 0.5

>= denotes 'greater than or equal to' and <= denotes 'less than or equal to'

Hope this solves your problem.. :)

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