Convert 17% to a decimal: 17% = 17/100 = 0.17Then multiply by 3500: 0.17 * 3500 = 595
Convert the percentage to a decimal: 17% = 17/100 = 0.17Then multiply by 54: 0.17 * 54 = 9.18
Multiply the bottom equation by -1
The sum of the numbers 13, 15, and 17 added together is 45. Since each number is repeated five times, you can multiply 45 by 5 to get 225. Therefore, the sum of all the numbers listed is 225.
Convert 17% to a decimal: 17% = 17/100 = 0.17Then multiply by 3500: 0.17 * 3500 = 595
There are eighteen seventeens here. 18 times 17 is 306.
Convert the percentage to a decimal: 17% = 17/100 = 0.17Then multiply by 54: 0.17 * 54 = 9.18
Multiply the bottom equation by -1
-x + 17 = 19 Subtract -17 from both sides: -x = 2 Multiply both sides by -1: x = -2
24 ; 72; 18; 23; 17.
Multiply the first by 8 and the second by 3