usually obese sometimes, scratch that, always eating. cant walk, cant talk, cant pee, doesnt know what 2 +2 is... bacically girl
x0x0 :*
Falling down, trying to grab something and reaching too far, or tripping.
Coordination in dance is the ability to move different body parts in different ways. Coordination is learned with a little practice.
so you dont get owned!
He's still a baby and has poor hand-eye coordination.
Such signs include driving slowly, weaving, not following traffic signs, etc.
Typically the first signs of low blood sugar is dizziness and confusion, sometimes associated with headaches. When ones blood sugar is under 70mg/deciliter for a long period of time more severe signs include poor coordination, numbness of the mouth, or passing out.
The answer is D.Spinach 💕:)
According to the National Statistical Coordination Board, 26.9 percent of Filipino families are poor.
Smell of alcohol, flushed face, watery eyes, slurred speech, unusual behavior, poor coordination, bad judgment, unusual reactions to social situations, gastric upset including vomiting, sleepiness, unconsciousness.
Signs of teen abuse can vary from victim to victim. Some signs of teen abuse are poor school performance, trouble concentrating and sleeping, poor eating and depression.
poor coordination, confusian
What are the signs and symptoms of patent ductus arrteriosis? Fast breathing or shortness of breath. Poor feeding and poor weight gain.
Falling down, trying to grab something and reaching too far, or tripping.
Signs of poor blood circulation in the legs include numbness or tingling, coldness, swelling, cramping, and slow-healing wounds or ulcers.
absolutely not, this could also be a sign that a person has or had a stroke