To simplify the fraction, we need to find the common denominator of 16 and 8, which is 16. Rewriting the fractions with this common denominator gives us 51/16 + 10/16. Adding these fractions gives us a final answer of 61/16.
16 + 3 + 5 = 24
you just solve. the answer is 5
3 and 3/16 + 10/16 = 3 and 13/16
3 and 3/16 + 10/16 = 3 and 13/16
To simplify the fraction, we need to find the common denominator of 16 and 8, which is 16. Rewriting the fractions with this common denominator gives us 51/16 + 10/16. Adding these fractions gives us a final answer of 61/16.
It is: 4b+16 simplified
16 + 3 + 5 = 24
you just solve. the answer is 5
1/3 + 3/5 + 7/10 = 49/30 or 119/30