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Q: Situations in which working with others can achieve positive outcomes?
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What examples of common misconceptions students have when working with positive and negative numbers?

Working with a number line to solve there problems.

What are some common misconseptions students have while working with negative and positive numbers?

Students may have this problem, -4+5 and the answer would be a negative because negative plus a positive is going to be negative.. and they could mess up and put it as a positive which would make the problem incorrect.. so always be careful when working with math! :)glad i could help.

How can you make your negative working capital positive?

first of all please understand that if the company has negative working captial than surely it is going to its grave. to make negative working captial positive is to induce more long term source of financing such as equity. long term dept or bank borrwoings, and also not the least bring the company into profit.

Is strip mining have positive or negative effects?

Most of the times, strip mining has positive and negative consequences. Usually, the viewers get the positive aspect of strip mining, and the performers are affected by the loneliness and long nights of working 12 hour shifts. Err, my sources say that it's actually not that lonely, and the pay is good.... So, I guess strip mining is only positive.

What are the odds when rolling 2 dice that at least one of them will be a 6?

The probability is 11/36. This is easiest to work out in the "negative": Instead of working out all the "positive", or successful, outcomes and adding them together, the fact that the sum of all probabilities is 1 is used by working out all the "negative", or unsuccessful, outcomes, adding them together and subtracting this sum from 1: For this case there are 3 positive (successful) outcomes: 6x, x6, 66 (where each pair represents the value showing on the dice (in order) with x meaning any digit 1-5) but only 1 negative (unsuccessful) outcome: xx. Thus the calculation is: Pr(at least one of the dice showing a six) = 1 - Pr(neither die shows a six). The probability of a single die not showing a six is 5/6 → the probability of two dice not showing a six is 5/6 × 5/6 = 25/36 as the two events are independent. → The probability of at least one six = 1 - probability of no six = 1 - 25/36 = 11/36. It can be worked out in the positive, but requires much more work: Pr(at least one 6) = Pr(6x: first die 6, second not 6) + Pr(x6: first not 6, second 6) + Pr (66: both 6) = 1/6 × 5/6 + 5/6 × 1/6 + 1/6 × 1/6 = 5/36 + 5/36 + 1/36 = 11/36 (as before)

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What situations in which working with others can achieve positive outcomes?

give your ideas in a discussion or a meeting!! Hiza

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someone can achieve their goals by setting up earlier,apply it by working hard,manifest and always think positive for any circumstances...

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It helps you have more answers, making more outcomes that could be positive, helping you and the people you are working with.

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Why it is important to be assertive what this means and situations when you should be assertive?

Assertive is to be positive. Being assertive in my job is important, it makes working a lot easier and enjoyable. If i was negative about my job then i wouldn't put as much effort and enthusiasm into the work, and that could lead eventually lead to unemployment. Some of the situations in which i should be assertive are:· Serving customers at the reception desk, having a positive attitude towards the customer and the query.· When taking enquires on the telephone· Working with my colleagues to get all of the work done.

What are the possotive outcomes of working as a chef?

I would say the experience and the joy it brings if you like cooking

He is working hard to achieve his goal change into complex sentence using 'so that'?

He is working hard to achieve his goal so that he could get an award