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Q: Six letter word for half a quarter?
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Two in a whole and four in a pair and six in a trio you see and eights a quarter but what you must get is the name that fists just one of me?

The answer to the riddle is the letter "S." It is found twice in the word "whole," four times in the word "pair," six times in the word "trio," and eight times in the word "quarter." The riddle hints that the answer is a single letter.

What is two and three quarters plus three and a half?

six and a quarter

What is a six letter word for divide in half I have blank blank s s blank t?


If a man has 1.15 in six coins but can not make change for a dollar half dollar quarter dime or nickel what coins does he have?

half dollar, quarter four dimes

What six letter word ends with them?

Anthem is a six letter word ending with them.

What is a six letter word for snake?

A six letter word for 'snake' is python.

What six letter words beginning with the letter A can be formed using the letters tcfarecuowd?

Accord is a six letter word. Accrue is another six letter word.

How many quarters are in one and a half?

There are six quarter in one and a half because 6/4 = 1 and 1/2

What is six-letter word for fame?

a six letter word for fame is famousrenown/repute/credit

What is a six letter word that starts with U?

A six letter word that starts with U is upward.

What is a six letter word that has three R's?

MIRROR is a six letter word with three r's in it

What is a six letter word beginning with V?

a six letter word that begins with v is violin;)