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Q: Slows the motion between two objects in contact with each other?
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A force that slows down moving objects?

Friction is the force that slows down moving objects by opposing their motion through contact between surfaces. This resistance arises due to the contact between the surfaces of the moving object and the surface on which it is moving.

Friction is a force that speed's up motion between two surfaces that are in contact?

Friction is actually a force that resists motion between two surfaces in contact, not one that speeds it up. It acts in the opposite direction to movement and slows down objects in motion.

That which slows the motion between two objects in contact with each other is defined as?

FRICTION .......... friction

Gravity slows the motion between two objects in contact with each other?

Gravity actually accelerates the motion between two objects in contact with each other. The more massive an object, the stronger the gravitational force it exerts on other objects. This force can cause objects to accelerate towards each other when in contact.

What slows the motion between two objects in contact with each other?

Some of the energy is converted from the motion of the bodies to sound and heat when it is used to overcome friction between the two bodies.

What is a force that slows or stops motion when objects rub together?

The force that slows or stops motion when objects rub together is called friction. Friction occurs when two surfaces are in contact and it acts in the opposite direction of the motion, creating resistance that opposes the movement.

What type of friction slows down a sliding object?

The type of friction that slows down a sliding object is kinetic friction. It occurs between two objects in contact when one (or both) of the objects is in motion. Kinetic friction opposes the direction of the object's motion, leading to a decrease in its speed.

What does friction do to the motion of object?

Friction slows down the motion of objects.

What is an unbalanced force that slows down moving objects?

An unbalanced force that slows down moving objects is called a frictional force. Friction opposes the motion of objects and causes them to slow down due to interactions between the surfaces in contact.

The name of the force that slows any moving object?

During motion, the force of friction acts to resist further movement of objects. Such objects are always in contact with others or through air.

Is this statement true or false gravity slows the motion between two object in contact with each other?

False. (Electromagnetic forces stop the motion.)