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144/300 = 0.48 = 48%

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Q: Solve for rate in each what Round to the nearest tenth of a percent 144 desls is percent of 300 desks?
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Related questions

How much do childrens desks cost?

You can find simple children's desks for about 30 dollars on different websites. These websites may include ebay. Better, and more trustworthy desks can be found for 60plus dollars at the nearest ikea.

Where can I get school desks in bulk for a good price?

A good deal to buy school desks in bulk would be a place called compare stores .net the web site is All the desks have life time warranty and are 50 to 70 percent off.

How do I begin to learn more about school desks?

I would go to the nearest Lowe's or Home Depot in order to inquire about the best way to go about fixing the desks. There are employees that can assist you in finding a replacement or give you advice on how to repair the desk.

What do you call a group of desks?

A group of desks are reffered to as just desks

What is the plural possessive of desk?

The plural of desk is desks. The plural possessive of desks is desks'

How many resolute desks are there?

"The Twin Resolute Desks." There are two.

What is the plural possessive form of desk?

The plural of desk is desks. The plural possessive of desks is desks'

How many desks are there in the UK?

about 1389735729875 desks

Office Desks ?

form_title= Office Desks form_header= Install office desks for your employees. What size office desks do you want?*= _ [50] Do you want the desks to be ergonomic?*= () Yes () No How many desks do you need?*= {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, More than 50}

Corner Desks?

form_title= Corner Desks form_header= Set up the office with corner desks. How many corner desks do you need?*= _ [50] What color do you want the desks?*= _ [50] What size desk do you need?*= _ [50]

Is there a patron saint of desks?

There is no patron saint of desks.

What is the collective noun for desks?

There is no specific collective noun for desks, in which case a collective noun appropriate for the circumstances can be used. For example:in a store: a display of desksin an office: a group of desks, a row of desksan arrangement of desks, a shipment of desks