it's an expression, so you'll have to use a calculator.=========================Right! In this day and age, we've finally reached the point where nobodyknows how to do squat without his machines. Plus ... nobody has a cluewhether the machine has given him the right answer. Beautiful!ln(5) - 3 ln(2) =ln(5) - ln(23) =ln (5/23) = ln (5/8).Note:That's not the 'solution' to anything. It's just a different, neater way of writingthe original expression that's in the question. In an algebra class, the answerdoesn't matter. All they really want is for you to learn how to get this far, andno calculator will tell you that it's ln(5/8).If your class is so regimented that you need the numerical answer, then you cango ahead and use the calculator for that:ln (5/8 ) = -0.47 (rounded)