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Q: Solve the codominance problem IBIB x IAi?
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How blood type is inherit?

Blood type is controlled by multiple alleles. Blood type is inherited by three alleles, one A, one B, and an O, which is recessive Ex. A= IAIA IAi B= IBIB or IBi AB= IAIB O=ii

What would be a child's blood type of the mother is A and father is B blood type?

Blood type is the common product of three different alleles: Co-dominant IA, and IB, and the recessive i.Since blood types A and B can manifest as either IAIA or IAi; or IBIB or IBi, respectively, any offspring can have any of the 4 major blood types: A (IAi), B (IBi), AB (IAIB), or O (ii)Read more: What_cross_could_produce_a_child_with_blood_type_A

How Do you say you have in Samoan?


Different types of bloods and description?

1-Type A ... which has antibodies : B ... and Antigene : A2-Type B ... which has antibodies : A ... and Antigen : B3-Type AB . which has No antibodies ... and has Antigen : A and B4-Type O .. which has antibodies : A and B ... and has No Antigens* Type A alleles could be : IAIA or IAi* Type B alleles could be : IBIB or IBi* Type AB alleles : IAIB* Type O alleles : ii

Different types of bloods and their description?

1-Type A ... which has antibodies : B ... and Antigene : A2-Type B ... which has antibodies : A ... and Antigen : B3-Type AB . which has No antibodies ... and has Antigen : A and B4-Type O .. which has antibodies : A and B ... and has No Antigens* Type A alleles could be : IAIA or IAi* Type B alleles could be : IBIB or IBi* Type AB alleles : IAIB* Type O alleles : ii

How do you say i will be there in Samoan?

Ou te iai i ina

How do you translate i have a coconut from English to Samoan?

"E iai la'u niu" is used when the coconut's husk is green. "E iai la'u popo" is used when the coconut's husk is brown.

How do I say peace be with you in Samoan?

Ia iai le filemu ma oe.

How do you say anyone home in Samoan?

Iai seisi i le fale

What would be the genotypes of a and b blood?

A: IAIA or IAi B:IBIB or IBi

What is the Samoan translation of it is he whom you love need and forever cherish and adore?

O ia o le e te alofa iai, mana'omia, ma fa'avavau ona e fa'apelepele ma auau iai.

How do you say peace be with you in Samoan?

Ia iai le filemu ma oe.