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A point has no length or width.

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Q: Something that has no length and no width in geometry?
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What is a object in geometry with no width length or height?


Which length and width should you use in geometry?

Any that you like!

an object in geometry with no width,length or height is a(n)?

A Point

How is the width and length different?

width is kind of like how wide something is and length is how long something is _______________________________________________________ this is width and length is standing

What geometry term goes with Has infinite length and width but no height?


What has infinite length but no width no thickness and no endpoints?

It is the parallel lines in Geometry!

Do a clothes designer use geometry?

yes they do in fact, they use geometry for the angles of their clothes including length and width.

What are length and width?

Length is a measurement of how long something is. Width is a measurement of how wide it is. Width and length are the sizes of an object in 2 dimensions which are 90 degrees apart.

What does the word width mean in math?

Width is how wide something is, length is how long something is.In maths w*l*h is width times length times height.

What is an object with no width length or height in geometry?

The answer is a point, the other person is correct.

Define geometry in real life?

Geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the size, shape, and relative position of physical elements. Geometry also deals with the properties of space. Geometry looks at the length, width, height, and space of an object.

What is the fraction of the width of a rectangle if the width is 4cm and the length is 7cm?

It depends on whether you want the width as a fraction of the length or perimeter or something else - like the diagonal.