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Q: Spaceship 1 and spaceship 2 have equal masses of 200 kg 1 has a speed of 0 ms and spaceship 2 has a speed of 10 ms what is the magnitude of their combined momentum?
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When spaceship 1 and spaceship 2 have equal masses of 200 kg spaceship 1 has a speed of 0 ms and spaceship 2 has a speed of 10 ms what is the magnitude of their combined momentum?

The momentum of each spaceship is given by mass x velocity. Therefore, spaceship 1 has a momentum of 0 kgm/s and spaceship 2 has a momentum of 2000 kgm/s. When combined, the total momentum would be 2000 kg*m/s.

Spaceship 1 and spaceship 2 have equal masses of 300 kg. sapceship 1 has a speed of 0ms and spaceship 2 has a speed of 4ms. what is the magnitude of their combined momentum?

The momentum of an object is the product of its mass and velocity. Since both spaceships have a mass of 300 kg, spaceship 1 has a momentum of 0 Ns, and spaceship 2 has a momentum of 1200 Ns. The combined momentum of spaceship 1 and spaceship 2 is 1200 Ns.

Spaceship 1 and Spaceship 2 have equal masses of 300 kg Spaceship 1 has a speed of 0 m s and Spaceship 2 has a speed of 4 m s What is the magnitude of their combined momentum?

Momentum = (speed) times (mass).Spaceship-1 has no momentum, since its speed is zero. The combined momentum is just the momentum of Spaceship-2.Momentum of Spaceship-2 = (m V) = 300 x 4 = 1,200 kg-meters

Spaceship 1 and spaceship 2 have equal mass of 200 kg spaceship 1 has a speed of 0 ms and spaceship 2 has a speed of 10 ms what is the magnitude of their combined momentum?

2,000 kg-m/s

Spaceship 1 and Spaceship 2 have equal masses of 200 kg Spaceship 1 has a speed of 0 m/s, and Spaceship 2 has a speed of 10 m/s What is the magnitude of their combined momentum?

2,000 kg-m/s

Spaceship 1 and Spaceship 2 have equal masses of 200 kg. Spaceship 1 has a speed of 0 ms and Spaceship 2 has a speed of 10 ms. What is the magnitude of their combined momentum?

Momentum = mass x speedSince Spaceship-#1 is not moving, it has no momentum. Their combined momentumis that of Spaceship-#2 alone.Momentum = mass x speed = 200 x 10 = 2,000 kilogram-meters per second.

Spaceship 1 and spaceship 2 have equal masses of 300 kg Spaceship 1 has a speed of 0 m s and spaceship 2 has a speed of 6 m s what is the magnitude of their combined momentum?

Multiply mass x velocity for each spaceship. Add the results.

A spaceship has a momentum of 20000kg-ms to the left and a mass of 500kg. what is the magnitude of its velocity?

To calculate the magnitude of the spaceship's velocity, you would divide the momentum by the spaceship's mass. In this case, 20000 kgยทm/s / 500 kg = 40 m/s. Therefore, the spaceship's velocity has a magnitude of 40 m/s to the left.

Spaceship 1 and spaceship 2 have equal masses of 300 kg spaceship 1 has an initial momentum magnitude magnitude of 900 kg ms what is its initial speed?

The initial speed of spaceship 1 can be calculated using the formula: momentum = mass x velocity. Thus, velocity = momentum / mass. Plugging in the values, the initial speed of spaceship 1 is 3 m/s.

Spaceship 1 and Spaceship 2 have equal masses of 300 kg Spaceship 1 has an initial momentum magnitude of 600 kg-mSpaceship 1 and Spaceship 2 have equal masses of 300 kg Spaceship 1 has an initial mome?

Both spaceships have the same mass and spaceship 1 has an initial momentum magnitude of 600 kg-m/s. Since momentum is conserved in an isolated system, the final momentum of spaceship 1 will still be 600 kg-m/s after any interaction.

A spaceship has a momentum of 20000 kgms to the left and a mass of 500 kg What is the magnitude of its velocity?

The momentum of the spaceship is given by the product of its mass and velocity. Therefore, the velocity can be calculated by dividing the momentum by the mass of the spaceship. In this case, the magnitude of the velocity is 40 m/s to the left.

Spaceship 1 and Spaceship 2 have equal masses of 200 kg Spaceship 1 has a speed of 0 m s and Spaceship 2 has a speed of 10 m s What is the magnitude of their combined momentum?

momentum = mass × velocity Assuming they are separate, the total momentum is 200 kg × 0 m/s + 200 kg × 10 m/s = 2000 kg m/s