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The Romans pierced the side of Jesus with a spear to see if he was dead while on the cross and they found that yes he was.

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Q: Spear that pierce Jesus in his side?
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What pierced Jesus side?

According to the Bible, a Roman soldier pierced Jesus' side with a spear while he was on the cross. This event is described in the Gospel of John, chapter 19, as occurring to ensure Jesus was dead before his body was removed from the cross.

What is the Spear of Destiny - the lance that pierced the side of Jesus as he hung on the cross - more commonly known as?

The Spear of Destiny (Holy Lance, Lance of Longinus, Spear of Longinus) have name for lance that pierced the side of Jesus when he hung on the cross.

Was there a soldier name St Morris who had the spear that pierced Jesus' side?

There is no historical record of a soldier named St. Morris associated with the spear that pierced Jesus' side. The soldier commonly associated with this event is Longinus, a Roman centurion. This story is part of Christian tradition rather than historical fact.

What is the second wound of Jesus?

It may be when they stuck a spear in his side, after he died on the cross, to prove he was dead.

What they did to show Jesus died?

The roman soldier put a spear in the side of Jesus and only water came and not blood, so they knew he died.

Where is 'The Spear of Destiny' now?

A:The Spear of Destiny, or Holy Lance, is the name given to four different spears each alleged to be the very spear used to pierce the side of Jesus on the cross. Of course, the chances of the real spear ever being kept would be millions to one against, assuming the event really occurred as described in John's Gospel alone. One Spear of Destiny is in St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, another is in Edjmiadzin in Armenia, another is in Vienna, Austria, and another is in Krakow, Poland.

What did Jesus do to suffer for his faith?

Early on he spent 40 days in the wilderness. During Holy Week he was lashed, carried his cross along the Via Dolorosa, was crucified, which includes being nailed to the cross, and had a moment of doubt that His Father had forsaken him, before having a spear pierce his side.

Which gospel mentions the Roman soldier piercing Jesus' body with a spear?

AnswerJohn's Gospel tells of the Roman soldier piercing Jesus' side with a spear. The author seems to have known more about Jewish and Roman customs in the first century than did any of the other gospel authors. He knew that the soldiers would break the legs of crucified men if they wanted to hasten death in order to avoid leaving the bodies on the crosses during the Jewish Sabbath. However, he wanted to draw a parallel between Jesus and the paschal lamb, which must be perfect and have no broken bones; he probably also wanted to make his post-resurrection appearances of Jesus easier to explain. So, he had the soldiers break the legs of the other two men on the crosses, but only pierce Jesus' side with a spear.

How many holes in the body of Jesus?

5. one in each palm and feet which numbered 4 and on the side which a spear was stabbed into it

Where is the spear used on Christ?

If by spear you mean the spear that was used when He was on the cross, then it was pierced through His side to see if He was dead. When someone dies, the blood and water inside their bodies separate, and that is what happened with jesus. The soldiers pierced His side and blood and water flowed out, proving He was dead. But praise God He rose again! :)

Spear that stabbed Christ?

The Roman soldier who pierced Jesus in the side , may have used the same spear for many years. You must remember that according to Roman law only hard core crimnals were sent to the cross to die. So no importance was made to that spear .

How do you know that Jesus really died?

it says in the bible that they stuck a spear in his side, and a mix of blood and water came out, signaling that he had actually died on the cross.