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Q: Speed is measured using units of distance and?
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If the 1st 2nd and 3rd dimensions can be measured in distance units can the 4th dimension or time be measured using the same units?

No - because time is measured in seconds, not linear distance.

Which units are used to measure both velocity and speed?

Both velocity and speed are measured using units of distance per unit time, such as meters per second (m/s) or kilometers per hour (km/h).

How is the speed of moving object measured?

The speed of a moving object can be measured using a speedometer, radar gun, or GPS device. Speed is typically calculated by dividing the distance covered by the time taken to cover that distance. Speed is commonly expressed in units such as miles per hour (mph) or kilometers per hour (kph).

What are units of rotational speed?

The rotation of an object is measured by the unit, rotation/revolutions per second. however, if the speed of a point on the rotating object has to be found, then it can be measured using the standard units of measuring speed.

Formaular for speed?

Speed can be calculated using the formula: Speed = Distance / Time. This formula expresses the relationship between the distance covered by an object and the time taken to cover that distance. Speed is typically measured in units such as meters per second or kilometers per hour.

When comparing the speed of two objects why must you use the same units?

Using the same units when comparing speed ensures a consistent and accurate measurement. Different units would make the comparison misleading or inaccurate, as units determine the scale and magnitude of the measured values.

how to convert radius into meters?

That depends on the units the radius is measured in. Radius is a distance and can be measured using any unit of length.

How do you measure force and distance?

Force can be measured using a dynamometer or force sensor, which typically measures in units of Newtons. Distance can be measured using tools such as rulers, tape measures, or laser distance meters, with units typically in meters or centimeters. Multiplying force by distance gives work, a measure of energy transfer.

How do you calculate speed?

Speed is measured in m/s (meters per second)You can calculate speed using the following formula :Speed = Distance/TimeExamples:distance=100 meters=20s s=d/ts=100m/20ss= 5m/sthe units for speed equal up to m/s units then your speed is 5 m/s

How can you explain an object's motion using time and distance?

An objects speed or motion is measured by distance divided by time.

How absolute distance is measured?

Distance is measured using reference points therefore distance, between objects, is relative. Some of the units used can be absolute, the separation between two or more points cannot.

How do you measure the speed of a moving object?

The speed of a moving object can be measured by calculating the distance the object travels over a specific period of time. This can be done using the formula: speed = distance / time. Alternatively, speed can also be measured using radar guns or GPS devices that track the object's movement in real-time.