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In a vacuum the speed of red and blue light are the same as all light, 300,000,000m/s. Their frequency and wavelength will be different but the speed remains the same.

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Q: Speed of red light and blue light in a vacuum?
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Red light plus blue light equals?


What are the light primary colours?

The primary colors of light, as I studied it, are red, blue and green. The secondary colors are magenta, yellow and cyan. The mixture of all primary colors is white.· Red + Blue = Magenta· Red + Green = Yellow· Blue + Green = Cyan

What are thr three primary colors?

T.T the 3 primary colours for light are: red, blue, green and the 3 primary colours for paint are red, blue, yellow

Compare and contrast the primary and secondary of light and pigment?

primary colors are blue red and yellow when you blend two primary colors together you get secondary colors blue+red=purple red+yellow=orange yellow+blue=green and the primary colors of light are blue red and green. when you mix blue and red light you get magenta, red mixed with green yields yellow. and green mixed with blue yields cyan blue. so you a connection between using pigment and light - the secondary colors of light magenta, yellow and cyan just happen to be the colors that printers use to generate a color picture for you instead of red, blue and green pigment which unfortunately come out too dark to be used in the printing industry. the color mixing of pigments is subtractive and alway generates a color darker than its two parents. but the mixing of colored light is always additive and generates colors brighter than their parents. when you mix all three pigments what do you see black. but when you mix all the colors of light you get white light. see here:

What are the names of the three primary colors?

To make all colors in pigment the 3 primaries must be transparent. Transparent yellow is ASTM number PY150 made from the nickel element. Transparent magenta is PR122, C20H12N2O2. Transparent yellow and transparent magenta mix into the secondary pigment color red. The 3rd transparent primary pigment color is cyan, made from the copper element, PB15. Transparent yellow and transparent cyan make the secondary color green. Transparent cyan mixed with the the transparent magenta color make the secondary color ultramarine blue. Yellow, magenta and cyan are the primary pigment colors, red, green and blue are the secondary pigment colors. Light uses the opposite colors, the secondary pigment colors become the primary light colors. Red, yellow and blue are not the primary colors in pigment or in light. Those colors came from Newton in 1600 and they are just the most obvious colors in the prism and rainbow. RCW

Related questions

Why does red light travel faster than blue light in air?

Red light and blue light travel the same speed in a vacuum, however they travel different speeds when traveling through any medium other than a vacuum. In most media, blue light has a higher index of refraction (usually denoted with the letter n) than red light. The higher the index of refraction, the slower the light goes compared to its speed in a vacuum. This relationship is governed by the following equation: v = c/n where v is the speed of light in a particular medium, n is the index of refraction of light in that medium and c is the speed of light in a vacuum. Since red has a smaller n than blue in most media, red travels faster then blue in most media. The index of refraction is determined by solving Maxwell's equations for a particular frequency and a particular medium.

Which has a higher velocity blue light or red light?

Both blue and red light travel at the same speed in a vacuum, which is the speed of light (approximately 3 x 10^8 m/s). However, blue light has a higher frequency and shorter wavelength compared to red light.

Why do red light waves travel faster than blue light waves?

Red light waves and blue light waves travel at the same speed in a vacuum, which is the speed of light (about 299,792 km/s). The perception that red light travels faster could be due to differences in how the human eye perceives the colors or how the waves interact with materials.

Which is the same for both red light and blue light?

Both red light and blue light are forms of visible light in the electromagnetic spectrum, with red light having longer wavelengths and lower energy compared to blue light. Despite their differences in wavelength and energy, both red and blue light travel at the same speed in a vacuum, which is the speed of light (approximately 3 x 10^8 meters per second).

What light has the highest velocity in a vacuum a. red b. ultavilet c. violet d. blue e. green f. all travel at the same velocity?

f. all travel at the same velocity. In a vacuum, all colors of light travel at the same speed, which is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second. This speed is known as the speed of light.

Is it true blue light travels slower than red light because it has a shorter wave-length?

No, the speed of light is constant in a vacuum and does not depend on the wavelength or color of light. However, when light travels through a medium like glass or water, different colors of light can be slowed at different rates due to the medium's refractive index, but this does not affect the speed of light in a vacuum.

What color travels the slowest?

All colors of light travel at the same speed in a vacuum, which is the speed of light. However, in mediums like air or water, the speed of light differs for different colors due to their different wavelengths and refractive indexes. Blue light generally travels slower than red light in these mediums.

Wavelength of red light in a vacuum?

The wavelength of red light in a vacuum is approximately 700 nanometers. This places red light towards the longer end of the visible light spectrum, with shorter wavelengths corresponding to colors like violet and blue.

In what situation is the speed of waves of red light exactly equal to the speed of blue light?

speed of light is always the same, regardless of frequency/colour.

Does red light travel faster than blue light?

No. All colors travel at the same speed. It is called "the speed of light".

Does blue light have travel at a different frequency than red light in the same medium?

No, blue and red light travel at the same speed in the same medium, but they have different frequencies. Blue light has a higher frequency than red light.

What is white light and how does it travel?

White light is simply a mix of red, green, and blue light. In a vacuum, all light travels at the speed of light (about 300,000 km per second), but it slows down a bit when passing through matter (glass, water, etc.).