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Van Von

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Q: Square cross section b/h/h'=400/400/40mm with a reinforcement ratio of p=0.015 is loaded for action forces of axial load plus uniaxial bending.the column is to be made of C25/30 concrete & S-460 steel.check whether the column AB is short or long?
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Related questions

When is concrete used without metal reinforcement bars?

Concrete are used without reinforcement bars on concrete roads.

Why is concrete reinforcement wire mesh called BRC?

Concrete reinforcement mesh is not called BRC. BRC is the name of a company that supplies reinforcement and it may be that the buyer has specified that it is supplied by BRC.

Which reinforcement is safe under or over reinforcement?

Under reinforcement is safe because in this case steel fails before concrete.

What is the instrument used to check the reinforcement bar in concrete member?

A cover meter determines the distance from the outside face of the concrete to the depth of the reinforcement bar.

What is the full meaning of B R C in construction and uses?

I gives overall strength and reinforcement to slub concrete

What happens when concrete has no steel reinforcement?

The concrete would be weaker, and more prone to cracking.

What is the technical name of the steel using in concrete?


What is the Uses of the steel rod reinforcement?

to support the concrete

What is reinforced concrete used for?

Actually concrete is not very good in tension therefore we have to introduce reinforcement which takes care of the tensile stresses. If we don't provide reinforcement, concrete will start showing cracks wherever tensile stresses overcome the concrete tensile strength.

What is steel reinforcement for concrete pavement called?

The reinforcement may be in the form of "mesh" or rods. The steel reinforcing rods are colloquially called rebar(reinforcement bars).

What holds upper reinforcement before applying concrete?


What is meant by reinforcement in concrete?

Items used to reinforce concrete are wire mesh, rebar, and steel cables.