In roman numerals 50 = L 6 = VI , therefore the standard numeral for 50 6 would be LVI ( however this answer could vary do to the relationship of 50 and 6 because LVI actually equals 56 and not necessarily 50 6)
standard numeral of 300 000+300+1+50+3 000
The standard numeral is 9,000,000,000,000
50 is an Arabic numeral and its Roman equivalent is L
It is: 50+6 = 56.
In roman numerals 50 = L 6 = VI , therefore the standard numeral for 50 6 would be LVI ( however this answer could vary do to the relationship of 50 and 6 because LVI actually equals 56 and not necessarily 50 6)
standard numeral of 300 000+300+1+50+3 000
CDLVI = 400 + 50 + 6
The standard numeral is 9,000,000,000,000
50 is an Arabic numeral and its Roman equivalent is L
50 as a roman numeral is L. You might think it is XXXXX but is not.
A single capital letter 'L' is equal to '50'. Hence 50 = L
The number 50 is represented by the Roman numeral L