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Q: State the units of calorific value?
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What is caloroific value?

Calorific value is the percentage of heat generated by a unit of substance. Some substances have high calorific value , while others have low calorific value.

How do you convert gross calorific value to net calorific value?

You can convert gross calorific value (GCV) to net calorific value (NCV) by subtracting the latent heat of vaporization of water formed during combustion from GCV. The equation for this is NCV = GCV - 2.5 x (9 x % H2 - % O2), where % H2 is the percentage of hydrogen in the fuel and % O2 is the percentage of oxygen in the fuel.

How do you convert GCV to calorie?

GVC stands for gross caloric value. Gross calorific value may be converted to net calorific value by using the following equation, Net calorific value = Gross calorific value - (10.02 x Percent Moisture)

What is calorific value?

Calorific value is a measure of the amount of energy produced when a fuel is burned completely. It is typically expressed in units such as kilojoules or kilocalories per unit mass of the fuel. Knowing the calorific value of a fuel is important for understanding its energy content and efficiency for use in heating or power generation.

Diesel calorific value?

The calorific value of fuel is the quantity of heat produced by its combustion at a constant pressure and under normal conditions. For diesel, the calorific value is 44,800.

Why is net calorific value is less than gross calorific value?

The lower calorific value or Net calorific value (NCV) which supposes that the products of combustion contain the water of combustion to the vapor state. The heat contained in this water is not recovered.The higher calorific value or Gross calorific value (GCV) which supposes that the water of combustion is entirely condensed. The heat contained in this water is recovered.sayed karar waris