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The number I saw was 10.5 million self employed people--stats from 2007

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How many self employed people are there?

thousands if not millions

How many self employed people live in the UK?


How many people are employed in the travel and tourism industry in the UK?

2.1 million are employed and around 132,000 of them jobs are self employed :)

Can self employed people get advanced earned income credit?

Yes all self employed people can.

How many people are self-employed in UK?

Self employment has become a popular career option in the United Kingdom. It is estimated that over four million people in the UK are now self employed.

What percent of Americans are self employed?

I think 70% of people in America are self employed.

How many accountants are self-employed?

10 percent of accountants were self-employed.

Where could someone find more information about mortgage for self employed people?

There are many finance websites that offer information and help about mortgages for self employed people. One good website is the Money Saving Expert.

What is the basic monthly salary in turkey?

Many people in Turkey are self employed so it can vary.

Do you pay self employed people holiday pay?

do self employed workers get holiday pay if they have worked for the same employer for years

Where can someone get medical insurance if they are self employed?

Many people receive medical insurance through their place of work. For those that are self employed it can be obtained through an ex-employers plan, COBRA, or utilizing a spouses plan.

Which accounting software is best for self employed businesses?

Tax Cut Home Business is great for self-employed people, and can help you work deductions.