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The idea is that the counterfeit coin is lighter than the others, but not different enough to find by hand.

  • Divide the coins into 3 groups of 3. Reserve one group and put the other two groups onto the balance scale.
  • If they are the same, the counterfeit is one of the reserved group. Otherwise, the lighter pan has the counterfeit.
  • Put one coin on each side of the scale and keep one off. If they are the same, the one not weighed is the counterfeit. Otherwise it is the lighter one.
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Q: Steven has nine gold coins that are identical in appearance but one is counterfeit using a balance scale how can he find the counterfeit in just two weighings?
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How you can pick out the pile of counterfeit coins in one step procedure using an equal arm balance?

you are given three piles of 10 pesos coins. one pile is made up of counterfeit coins heavier than the genuine ones. explain how can pick out the pile of counterfeit coins in one step procedure using an equal arm balance

How can pick out a pile of counterfeit coins using equal arm balance?

try to use an universal weight grams it is included when you buy an equal - arm balance

If you get paid three bags of gold but one is fake how do you determine which one it is?

If you are certain two bags contain real gold, and if the three bags are supposed to be identical, then do the following. Find a balance scale. Take two of the bags and place one on each pan. If the scales balance, then the third one is bogus. Execute the guy who gave you that bag. If the scale fails to balance, you'll have to make another comparison. Remove the lighter bag and replace it with the third bag. If the scales balance, then the one you removed is bogus. Commence executions. If the scale fails to balance, then the heavier bag is bogus. Execute the fraud.

Which is heavier 8 marbles that are exactly alike except that one of them is slightly heavier than the others I then give you a balance scale and ask you to determine the heavier marble in 3 weighings?

Weighing 1: Weigh any four against any other four. The set containing the heavier marble will be heavier. Weighing 2: Weigh any two from this heavier set against the other two from the set. The pair containing the heavier marble will be heavier. Weighing 3: Weight the two marbles from the heavier pair against one another and you have the odd marble. Simple!

Where do you find positive and negative numbers in finance?

In a company balance sheet.In a company balance sheet.In a company balance sheet.In a company balance sheet.

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Why must the balances and weighing areas should be kept clean?

Because small particles of dust could settle on the scale pans and distort the results.

How you can pick out the pile of counterfeit coins in one step procedure using an equal arm balance?

you are given three piles of 10 pesos coins. one pile is made up of counterfeit coins heavier than the genuine ones. explain how can pick out the pile of counterfeit coins in one step procedure using an equal arm balance

How can pick out a pile of counterfeit coins using equal arm balance?

try to use an universal weight grams it is included when you buy an equal - arm balance

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Yes, there are multiple ways to get two objects with identical masses to balance, such as placing them equidistant from a center point, using a fulcrum, or adjusting their positions on a balance beam until equilibrium is reached. Balancing objects with identical masses is not limited to a single method.

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How can you identify the slightly heavy marble from a group of nine with only three weighings with a balance beam scale?

Weigh three random marbles against three random marbles. (Thats weighing number 1.) If they balance, take three away and check the last three. (That's weighing number two.) The scale will not be in balance. Pick one from the new group and weigh it against another one of the new group. (That's weighing number 3.) If they balance, the unweighed marble is the heavy one. If they don't balance, the lower marble is the heavier one. Now that I've got your interest piqued, solve this one... You have 12 marbles, one is either lighter or heavier than the others. What is the minimum number of weighings required to indentify the odd marble?

What is symmetrical balance?

When 2 identical objects are placed on either side of the axis.

What are the advantage and disadvantages of trial balance?

The advantages of trial balance are It ensures that the transactions recorded in the books of accounts have identical debit and credit amount. The disadvantage of the trial balance is that it is tedious to prepare.

8 marbles are exactly alike except that one is slightly heavier than the others how do you determine the heavier marble in 2 weighings?

Pick 6 marbles. Weigh 3 against 3. If they balance, then weigh the other two against each other to find the heavier one. If they don't balance, look at the three that are heavier. Pick 2 and weigh them against each other. If they balance, then the 3rd marble in that group is the heavier one. If they don't balance, you have the heavier one.

What is the minimum no of weighings to detect a heavier ball out of 8 balls?

Two. Take 3 balls and 3 balls. Leave 2 on the table. If the 3 and 3 balance set them aside and weigh the remaining 2 balls and you know which one is heavier. Done. If they don't balance, take the heavier 3, place one ball on the table and balance the other 2. If they balance, the one on the table is heavier. Done. If they don't, you know which one of the two is heaver. Done.

Why need to cool The Crucible by Arthur Miller before measuring?

The crucible must be weighted at a constant temperature, generally 20 oC. During an analytical determination - for example - all the weighings must be made at the same temperature. Also a hot crucible has a negative influence on the balance.

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Symmetrical balance features identical or similar objects on each side of the line, whereas asymmetrical balance features unlike objects on either side of the line.