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Boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, and tellurium are recognised. These elements include, hydrogen, beryllium, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, gallium.

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How do you say aluminum in french?

aluminum. It is the same word for both English and french

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Where does sulfur get its name?

From the Latin sulfur, sulphur, or sulpur, which appear to have been Latin inventions and not derived from, say, classical Greek (the classical Greek word for sulfur is thion).It's most likely from a root meaning "to burn."

Is sulphur a mineral?

Yes, sulfur is a chemical element (atomic number 16) found in nature as a mineral called sulfur or native sulfur. It is not typically considered a mineral in the traditional geological sense, but it can form crystal structures similar to minerals.

What process is used to remove the sulfur from molasses?

Sulfur is not removed from molasses. If you have seen molasses bottles that say "unsulphured" (old-fashioned spelling), it means that sulfur dioxide was not used in processing the molasses. Most molasses today is unsulfured.

What type of products does the Sapa group manufacture?

The Sapa group manufactures aluminum products. They offer aluminum profiles for buildings, vehicles, heat exchanger and heat transfers. They say they have aluminum for virtually any process.