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In order to calculate the force we would net to know the wind speed of the tornado.

The door has an area of 1.746 square meters

To calculate the pressure load first find the pressure by squaring the wind speed (in mph) and multiply it by 0.123 to get the pressure in pascals, and then multiply by the surface area and the drag coefficient (which in this case is 2.0 for a flat surface).

To give a good range, EF0 tornado winds start at 65 mph. Such a wind would exert a force of approximately 1,800 newtons (400 pounds). The highest winds ever recorded in a tornado were 302 mph. Such a wind would exert about 39,000 newtons (8,800 pounds) of force.

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Q: Suppose a tornado suddenly occurred outside your front door which is 180 cm high and 97 cm wide What net force would be exerted on the door?
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