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Q: Suppose that a 3-bit image (L8) of size 64 64 pixels (MN 4096) has the intensitydistribution shown in following table. Get the histogram equalization transformationfunction and give the PS(sk) for eac?
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Why the histogram equalization operation is idempotent?

yes,the histogram equalization operation is idempotent

Is the histogram equalization operation idempotent?


Explain why the discrete histogram equalization technique does not generally yield a flat histogram?

All that histogram equalization does is remap histogram components on the intensity scale. To obtain a uniform (­at) histogram would require in general that pixel intensities be actually redistributed so that there are L groups of n=L pixels with the same intensity, where L is the number of allowed discrete intensity levels and n is the total number of pixels in the input image. The histogram equalization method has no provisions for this type of (arti®cial) redistribution process.

What is a shape of a histogram?

What is a shape of a histogram?

What part of speech is histogram?

Histogram is a noun.

What is the prefix of histogram?

The prefix of "histogram" is "histo-".

How do you find height of histogram?

I don't know what is histogram

Advantages and disadvantages of histogram?

disadvantages of histogram compared to barchart

What is the area under the curve for the histogram below?

There is no histogram below.However, the area under the curve for any histogram is the total frequency.

What is a histogram for?

A histogram is when the bars are touching and it graphs what you have on your frequency table.

Why do they call a histogram a histogram?

A succession like history, completed in intervals....